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Shipping Containers

About Us

We at Quality Import 26 specialize in personal and commercial imports from the Far East. At the same time, we provide a variety of services to ensure a worthwhile and affordable deal for every project.

אצלנו ניתן לקבל ניהול רכש וניהול כל מערך האספקה, במיקור חוץ.  אשר יקנו לכם 

ניהול תקלות ופתרון בעיות

בתקופה זו של משבר בריאות עולמי צצות הרבה תקלות ועיכובים במערך האספקה לכן חשוב שיהיה מי שידע לנהל את הכל ולפתור את הבעיות בצורה יעילה ומהירה. רכשנו ידע וניסיון רב במהלך השנים אשר משרת את לקוחותינו

ידיעת עלויות מדויקות ותמחור נכון

במיוחד בתקופה זו של שינויי מחירים בעולם התובלה הימית תוכלו לדעת בכל תיק יבוא מה הם העלויות המדויקות. אנו נעביר אתכם ממודל הוצאות קבועות למודל הוצאות משתנות ונאפשר לכם לשלוט בשורת הרווח שלכם 

להתמקד בנושאים החשובים באמת

על ידי כך שננהל את כל נושא הרכש והיבוא של החברה שלכם , הכולל איתור מפעלים,ניהול ייצור, ניהול מערך האספקה, טיפול בתקנים ובאישורים . כך תוכלו להתמקד בדברים החשובים באמת לקידום החברה שלכם

חיסכון בהוצאות תפעול

אנו עוסקים ברכש וסחר בינלאומי כבר שנים רבות, לכן אנו נדע לנהל את כל נושא הרכש והיבוא של החברה, נוזיל עבורכם עלויות מול ספקים שונים ונחסוך מכם כאבי ראש והוצאות מיותרות מול עובדים מתחלפים

Our Services


Escort in China

We provide import services from China and one of the steps in this whole process, is the escort in China. We accompany our customers in China of course after we have made a number of meetings with the customer, we build the purchase plan together with our Chinese team

Magnifying Glass

Finding suppliers

Our Chinese team is skilled and knows how to perform this step in a method and way that has been built over many years with many collaborations of our offices with a large variety of different manufacturers and suppliers

Cargo Ship at the Port

Transport and customs clearance

Sea freight from all Chinese ports at attractive prices, there are busy and stressful periods in ports in China, there are holidays and there are many factors that are important to know about at the beginning of import in order to avoid unnecessary delays

קרא עוד


Our company provides outsourced import services to companies and businesses. It is now known that the State of Israel is dependent on foreign products and therefore every factory, business, company, construction developer or various entities purchases products / raw materials that are manufactured in different countries around the world and imported into Israel.


Quality Control

Quality control is the most important procedure when manufacturing / importing any product from a different country in the world. This procedure comes to prevent a mismatch between the customer's requirement and the product which is actually manufactured.

Image by Gabrielle Henderson

Standards and approvals from the various bodies

We handle any regulatory issue that requires knowledge, experience and relationships. We handle complex cases that require the approval of the Standards Institute, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Health, Communications and more.


Commercial import services

Commercial import from China requires knowledge and experience in the Chinese market and in the process of importing to Israel. Our company assists at all stages in order for this or that entrepreneur to receive a service that accompanies with confidence and compliance with customer requirements, from the moment the supplier is located until the goods arrive at the destination.


Manufacturing in China

Many business owners and entrepreneurs who are interested in producing a unique product according to their demand and products with their brand name turn to China to produce the product they want to import into the country.

Manufacturing in China saves a lot of money on production costs in China compared to manufacturing in the country.

Modern Design Home

Personal import services

By personally importing home contents and finished products from China, our customers are exposed to a huge world of products displayed in various markets in China, thus giving the opportunity to design the construction project in an exceptional, high quality and luxurious look.

Signing a Contract

Drawing up contracts for exclusivity with factories

Quality control is the most important procedure when manufacturing / importing any product from a different country in the world. This procedure comes to prevent a mismatch between the customer's requirement and the product which is actually manufactured.

קרא עוד

Our activities

We specialize in international trade and the entire logistics process, thus giving our customers peace and security all the way. With a company that has been operating for over 14 years with representations and offices in several major cities in China, we provide our customers with procurement and import services that include: locating suppliers, checking reliability, drafting a legal contract, manufacturing and procurement, quality control, logistics planning, cargo consolidation, sea / air freight, Import and export services to various countries in the world such as: Israel, Italy, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, France, UAE and more. With a skilled and experienced Chinese team we provide our customers with import / export services on the best side.

some of our activivties

Commercial production and import according to customer requirement

Establishment of projects according to customer requirements


Establishment and upgrade of office complexes



Construction from containers, light and quality construction


Guest villas, B & Bs and hotels


Construction of buildings according to an engineer's design

Designing and dressing homes directly from China

Establishment of banquet halls and restaurants, directly from China

Architectural Plans

work plan


Preparing an accurate work plan before the trip is a necessary condition for the success of buying and importing the products. In orderly import companies there are professional teams that will guide the customer on how to carry out orderly preparatory work for purchase in a professional and orderly manner.

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כתובתנו- ישראל- קרית שמונה איזור תעשיה צפוני
רמת גן -רח' תובל 40  (בתיאום מראש)

 נציגות סין- פושאן /שנגחאי 
נציגות טורקיה- איזמיר

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